It is from the 2010 fall line from Stella and Dot.
I love it! And what it reminds me of when I look at it.
As a child growing up in New Hampshire we lived in the woods at the base of the white mountains. My Father drove trucks for a time and one cold, stormy night brought home a bundle wrapped in his red flannel shirt. We (us four kids and Mom)gathered around closely as he unwrapped his bundle to reveal a dear, wise looking old owl with a broken wing. Immediately we all felt such compassion for this poor little creature who just looked back at us with that wised, aged look a New England Great horned owl was created with.
My Mother, quickly began making a splint for his poor broken wing while we listened to what happened to "Mr. Owl" (as of course he was already named). Due to the thunderstorm that night he had been flying low across the freeway and had been hit by the vehicle in front of my Dad's truck hitting his windshield. Dad, always having a heart for all of God's creatures, of course stopped to see what could be done.
My brother and I were sent out to find some bugs and worms while the girls sorted through our old baby blankets making him a cozy little bed in the twins old play-pen.
"Mr. Owl" made it through the first night, then the second and soon became quite a quiet little ficture in our living room. He spent the days watching us all go to and fro,his great head bobbing to the left and then to the right. He watched us kids, play,laugh and argue and whenever I would get ready to tell Mom "what really happened" i would look at "Mr. Owl" out of the corner of my eye and be forced to tell the whole truth.
Was I afraid he and my Mother had evening chats about the days events every night, after we went to bed? Where he would of course tell the "whole story"! "Mr. Owl"...so wise...
The day came when he should be released...oh the sadness our little hearts held as we said our goodbyes, even my Dad seemed reluctant. "It's what we have to do, he was created by God to fly high and hunt" said my always reassuring Mother.
Up, up,up... he flew, so high and powerful with broken wing strong and healed...to.... the very nearby crab-apple tree. "Yeah!!" we all shrieked so happy to have "Mr. Owl" choose such a close location. There he looked down at us with those old, wise eyes.
That night I kept running to my bedroom window to make sure he still was up in that tree. Weeks went by, "Mr. Owl" stayed in the crab-apple tree and continued his babysitting. He hunted at night gaining his strength back. He watched us run around with the chickens,play in the sprinkler,catch lightning bugs in the evenings and be ushered into the house for bed-time.
I do not remember the day when I looked up in that crab-apple tree and he finally wasn't there. It came, but maybe I had to block it from my memory.
I never have looked at an owl and not had a comforting feeling. Why do we say owls are wise? Is it those eyes that look like they have seen a lot of life? Is it there quiet manner?
"A wise old owl lived in an oak
The more he saw the less he spoke
the less he spoke the more he heard
why cant we all be like that wise old bird?"
So... thanks Stella and Dot for creating this cute little piece that reminds me of a sweet time in life.
i like your owl necklace too...glad to see you figured out the blog thing:)
ReplyDeleteAw I really like this story. It made me smile :) Love you and can't wait for more!
ReplyDeletehilarious story : )
ReplyDeleteIt reminds me of a few years ago I was working at a warehouse store and I had come back from across the street from a lunch break and saw this crow (or whatever they are lol) and it was on the ground lunging at this rodent. I immediately felt sorry for the rodent as I knew he had been caught in a rat trap earlier in the day. I knew this because I saw him and let him free from the "snap of death" and off he went. So knowing he was wounded I scared off the bird and caught the little guy. Luckily I had on gloves, because at first he was so scared he was putting up a fight and attempted to bite me at first. But I put him in a box and took him home with me. I later found out he was a white Ermine.
Later that night after getting approval from my Mom,reluctantly she let me put him in our little cage we used to transport out cats in when they'd go to the vet etc... and he slept a lot in his little piles of shredded newspaper we made for him.
Although the next morning I woke up to my mom screaming as the ermine had escaped and she found him on her lamp shade in the living room. So I got him and he seemed healthy enough to be set free. So we brought him to ski hill road near the little refuge area and I set him free in a little snow free area under a tree and that was the last we saw of him. It was a fun time giving him a place to rest and re-cooperate after a tough day of rat traps and hungry birds :)